The articles which contain a topical problem of modern economy of Tajikistan, social and demographic development and world economic development systems in whole are publishing in scientific edition “Economy of Tajikistan” of the Institute of Economy and Demography of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan. These articles are expressing the results of research efforts of the Institute of Economy and Demography of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan and core organizations.
Editorial board of publication asking for author’s attention while preparing their article to the editorial board the necessity of complying with following rules.
- The size of the article should not be less than 0.6 and not exceed one printed sheet of computer text, including text, tables, bibliography, list of sources used, figures and abstract texts in Tajik, Russian and English languages.
- An article must be prepared in MS Word office and 2 printed copies must to be passing to editorial board with separate files. (Typescript must to be printed through computer with 1,5 interval (the size of font- 14 point size) on the white paper with format of A4 (297×210 mm). Text must contain 28-30 lines, 60-64 symbols in a lines, left side should kept in 25 mm. All lists must be paginated.
- Pictures, diagrams and photos should not to be like a picture. Repetition data in text, tables, and pictures are not allowed.
- Tables are numbered in order of mentioning them in the text in Arabic numerals. The name of the table should follow the line below after its number.
- In the upper right corner of the first page of the manuscript the section of science is indicated, in which the article will be placed, the UDC is indicated in the left corner of the page, then the initials and surname of the author (s) are in the center of the next line, and the title of the article under them. The name of the institution / institutions (s) in which the submitted article is executed is printed between the heading and the text. After the text of the article and the name of the organization, there is an annotation in Russian in the language of the article itself. After the annotation, keywords are listed on a separate line. Further At the end of the text, after a list of sources used, abstracts are attached in Tajik and English in two other languages (also indicating the author / authors, and the name of the article and organization / organizations in the respective languages), keywords (in the respective languages) and an email address for correspondence. The manuscript must be accompanied by e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, surname, first name, patronymic and academic degrees and the position of the author (s). The manuscript is certified by the signature / signatures of the author / authors. No more than two authors are allowed per article.Reduction of words, names is not allowed.
- Formulas and symbols must be printed on the computer. Avoid cumbersome notation.
- References to quoted literature are given in square brackets, for example: [1], [1,3-5]. The list of references is given in the general list (under the heading "Literature") in the order of the mention in the text and are formulated as follows:
For books: the surname and initials of the authors, the full title of the book, the place of publication, the publishing house, the year of publication, the volume or issue, the total number of pages.
For periodicals: surname and initials of the author, title of the publication, year of publication, volume, number, first and last pages of the article:
Before the place of publication is a dash, between the place of publication and the publisher-a colon, before the year of publication is a comma, before the title of the magazine is a dash.
References to unpublished works are not allowed.
No more than 10 used sources are allowed, of which - obligatory - publications of recent years - taking into account the specifics of the subject of the article; at least two national authors (sources), preferably from those published in the journal «Economy of Tajikistan,»
- Manuscripts submitted to the editorial board should have the direction of the institution, an expert opinion on the possibility of publication. When performing work in several institutions, expert opinions are presented from each institution. The article must be accompanied by a certified review by a specialist.
- Manuscripts of articles, drawn up according to all the above requirements, are submitted to the editorial board of the journal in a printed form. An electronic version of the article is also presented. Authors from other cities of the Republic of Tajikistan, as well as foreign countries, send the signed article in PDF format and in Word format to the Institute's electronic address. All accompanying documents - the direction of the institution, the expert opinion on the possibility of publication, the certified review of the specialist - are also sent in PDF format. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make reductions and editorial changes to manuscripts. Recommend articles to the deposit. In case of return to the author of the manuscript for finalization, the date of submission is considered the day of receipt of the final text by the editorial board. Manuscripts that do not comply with these rules are not accepted by the editorial board.
- In the event that the above requirements are not fulfilled, the submitted materials are rejected.
- If an article is rejected by the editors, one copy of the manuscript is returned to the author, and the editors reserve the right not to discuss the reasons for its rejection.
- The text of the submitted manuscript is final, must be carefully prepared, verified, without corrections and signed by the author (s). A collective article must have the signatures of all authors.
- The deadline for submission of articles for publication in the quarterly issue of the journal is the first day of the third month of each quarter. Submissions after the due date may be considered for inclusion (if they meet the requirements) in the next issue of the journal. Unregistered articles are not subject to publication.
Editorial board address: Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, st. Aini 44, office. 111-112 tel: 2275157, 900097577, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.